Tripled Glazed uPVC Windows – Mr Cotterill

Tripled Glazed uPVC Windows – Mr Cotterill

Tripled Glazed uPVC Windows – Mr Cotterill

Nettleham, Lincolnshire


When Mr Cotterill decided it was time to upgrade his existing windows, he sought out a company that could not only provide quality products, but also a positive customer experience.

After enduring a frustrating sales encounter with another company, Mr Cotterill turned to his trusted neighbours for recommendations. They pointed him towards Starglaze, praising their attentive approach and lack of pushy sales tactics.

Upon reaching out to Starglaze, Mr Cotterill found a refreshing difference in their approach. The salesperson took the time to understand his needs and offered tailored recommendations, rather than offering a hard sell and pushing upgrades. Impressed by their professionalism and customer-centric approach, Mr Cotterill chose Starglaze for his window upgrade.

During the installation process, Mr Cotterill was thoroughly impressed by the professionalism and efficiency of the Starglaze fitters. The installers arrived promptly and worked diligently to complete the project with minimal disruption to his home and routine. Not only did they expertly fit the new windows, but they also took great care to leave the premises immaculate.

The results were remarkable. Not only did the new windows instantly make his home quieter and warmer, but they also provided the opportunity to change the design of the existing windows and incorporate additional ventilation for the summer months, enhancing the comfort of his living space.

Mr Cotterill wholeheartedly recommends Starglaze to others, emphasising their commitment to customer satisfaction and personalised service. Thanks to the Starglaze team, he not only got top-notch windows but also a hassle-free experience from start to finish.

We’re delighted to hear that Mr Cotterill is pleased with his home improvements!

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