Starglaze Staff Get Fit for Mental Health Awareness Week

Members of Starglaze Staff to Get Fit and Raise Money for MIND During Mental Health Awareness Week
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May and the mental health charity MIND, is promoting the affect that a positive body image has on our sense of wellbeing.
As well as holding tea and talk sessions to check in with how are staff are doing, several members of the team are taking it further and setting themselves the task of loving their bodies by the end of the year. Some members want to get fit, some want to lose weight, and some want to gain weight.
We’ll be raising money for MIND and featuring updates from each of the team members taking part during the rest of the year so you can follow their journeys.
If you’d like to show your support for a member of staff that is taking part or to support the work that MIND does, then you can donate via our Just Giving page.
If you or someone you know are suffering from Mental Health problems, MIND are on hand to provide information and support for anyone that needs it. You can read more and find additional resources here.
A few members of Starglaze that are taking part in the ‘Love Your Body’ challenge between now and the end of 2019